Organisational Leadership B1

A positive change that I have seen in recent church history at Grandview Salvation Army is the focus that has been put on youth discipleship. I was initially a part of the first discipleship program that my previous pastors instigated so I was able to see and experience first-hand the positive impact such a program can have on youth in their later teens.

Previously there hadn’t been a massive focus on specific youth discipling beyond youth groups, which left a gap for youth who were wanting to increase their knowledge of the bible as well as step out and practically be disciples of God (and know what it mean to be that). Although the discipleship group was only small (five to six youth) this allowed the group to discuss freely and without feeling uncomfortable. Looking back it also made the group feel a lot closer knit in comparison to other youth “groups”.

As a result of the growth I and the other youth experienced within the discipleship program me and my husband Dan have begun facilitating another youth discipleship program and like it was done when we were the youth we are focusing on biblical study, support and practical application.

Overall the introduction and inclusion of a youth discipleship program has been hugely welcomed by the wider church community and has seen some amazing things happen as a result of them (me signing up to Carey!!!!). The change and shift to a discipleship approach to youth ministry has proved to be extremely rewarding and produced much fruit, we hope this continues!!!

Organisational Leadership B1

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