Bible Study

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Throughout the year myself and Daniel and two of our leaders have run a bible study for our youth ministry which finished on the 16th of December for this year.

This bible study was a big step for our youth ministry as before this all that our youth ministry provided was a drop in center on Friday nights which at the same time is a really important aspect to our ministry so we have found out after trial and error in our community.

while the drop in center has been really important in our community so has the bible study. It has opened up a whole new side to our youth group and has allowed us to go much deeper with a lot of our youth who decided to come along to our Wednesday night bible study.

It really was a big risk that ended up paying off. In saying this, being the first bible study myself and Dan have ever run there was things we would definitely do better next year. For starters we would probably think about having a meal before each study to create a real sense of family and community and as well as this making the entire night a bit more interactive rather than book focused as we don’t think this was very effective. I think we would have more regular leaders meetings in order to be more prepared as a team and ensure we are offering the best we can to our youth in terms of preparation etc.

But all together we are so pleased that we took this step in to creating a bible study for the youth at Grandview and it has definitely showed some fruit which is encouraging. We will continue to offer the drop in center/ events as well as the bible study and hope to improve our youth ministry through what we have learnt from last year.

Bible Study

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